A symbol or other design adopted by your organization or entity to identify its products, uniform, vehicles, etc.

2019 - Example visualizing the creative process that goes into designing a logo from concept to completion. Designed by A. Meredith using Adobe Illustrator

2019 - Example of final logo for Executive concierge services. Designed by A. Meredith using Adobe Illustrator

2019 - Logo created for the Cedar Park Public Library Foundation for universal branding purposes while serving as a board member and advocate. Visit cedarparkbooks.org to see utilization of logo. Designed by A. Meredith using Adobe Illustrator

2014 - Example logo concept for an E-commerce floral shop. Designed by A. Meredith using Adobe Illustrator

2013 - Example logo used for TACCHO, for organization branding. Designed by A. Meredith using Adobe Illustrator

2019 - Example logo concept for a certification program. Designed by A. Meredith using Adobe Illustrator